



Our Provision We work with children and young people with anxiety and a range of complex emotional and mental health needs during term time, and all ages outside of term time, weekends and evenings. We facilitate Education (Secondary), alternative provision, therapy and therapeutic placements for children and young people. We have two sites, one based near Guildford in Surrey and one in Liss, Hampshire.

Referring to Elysian Services

On this page you will find information about referring to all the different services Elysian provide. The services and updated referral information is outlined below. The education provisions are able to admit full time and part time (dual registration) learners.

Education Referrals

Education referrals usually come to us directly from the Local Authority. Currently, Elysian has three Education provisions, who take referrals for children and young people for Academic Years 7-13, aged 11-17.

The provisions are in Shamley Green near Guildford in Surrey, West Horsley in Surrey and in Liss, Hampshire. 

Our new West Horsley provision is taking consultations for admissions, opening its doors to Education placements in June as the registration is currently being formalised. 

Education referrals are sent directly to refer@elysianuk.org, with Elysian referral form,  the LA consultation paperwork, including EHCP, the latest Annual review and all recent assessments/relevant records. This is then assessed by our referrals team who aim to respond within the consultation deadline where we can.

Shamley Green Education provision

The Shamley Green provision was approved for an increased number of registered learners in 2023, and for that reason, there is a gradual increase in numbers. The increase in admissions is gradual, to not disrupt the current cohort, and for that reason we are open to considering new admissions over the course of the next few terms (with new admissions increase across the terms).

Liss Education provision

The Liss provision opened in September 2023, and is registered for 45 learners. The provision has started with a lower number of admissions to allow the cohort and service to establish, taking on a few new admissions each term across 2024. 

West Horsley Education provision

The West Horsley provision opens in June 2024 and is registered for 50 learners. The provision is starting with a lower number of admissions to allow the cohort and service to establish, taking on a few new admissions each term across 2024 and 2025. 

Click here for Referral Form  Education placement (all three Education sites) 

Alternative Provision, Therapy, Therapeutic Sessions and Outreach

Access to these services can be funded by the LA, schools, privately and/or by other services/agencies. Funders of the service would normally facilitate the referral, which needs to be sent to refer@elysianuk.org with the relevant Elysian referral form below, and all the relevant documentation, including any assessments, EHCP (if there is one) and relevant review/meeting notes.

Alternative provision – Therapeutic Work Experience

Elysian is currently able to offer ‘TWE’, Therapeutic Work Experience, at our Shamley Green and West Horsley sites, in Surrey.

These are the two hour therapeutic interventions, which you can read more about under the ‘What we Offer’ tab. These are usually once or twice a week, booked on ‘term by term’ or on an annual basis.

Alternative provision – Part time Education placements

These are placements 2-4 days, currently available at our West Horsley provision, until July 2024. All AP placements at West Horsley will have the option of being converted to full or part time education placements, when the West Horsley provision becomes a registered education provision.

Alternative provision – TWE (Shamley Green and Horsley only) and EOTAS (West Horsley until July 24 only) Referral Form

Therapy (individual and family)

Therapy is provided by the Elysian therapists, and you can read more about this in our ‘What we offer’ section. Therapy  is available for individual children and young people on all three provisions on different days of the week, and weekend, including Saturdays (Liss) and Sundays (Shamley Green). We also offer family therapy sessions on Saturdays and during holidays at our Liss provision.

Therapy capacity  is subject to increase/change as new therapists join us in 2024.

There is currently a waiting list for Therapy at our Shamley Green provision, however we do have space at our Liss provision on a Saturday.

Therapeutic sessions

Therapeutic sessions are animal assisted interventions facilitated by our support workers, and you can read more about this in our ‘What we offer’ section.

These are currently available during Saturdays at the Liss and Shamley Green provisions, with some occasional availability in the week at all three provisions (please enquire).

Individual Therapy and Therapeutic Sessions (all three sites) Referral Form

The Outreach Project

The current Outreach project, launched for April 2024, is funded through the Mental Health improvement funding for a specific cohort. Please read more about the Outreach project in our ‘What we offer’ section, before consider referring for this service.  Referrals can be made by anyone connected to the child/young person as long as they have their and (where applicable) their family’s consent. There is likely to be a waiting list for this service.


Elysian Outreach Project Referral Form


The referral panel meet weekly and review all referrals. We expect to respond to each referral within 2 weeks of the date referred. If this has not happened please do feel free to contact us as there may be an error. We receive referrals every day and hence responses may sometimes be delayed.

Referrals for placements and services at Elysian sites (Education & Alternative provision)

If the initial referral is accepted, we may sometimes request more information at this stage before making a decision to proceed. If it is decided that Elysian may be able to meet need, based on the information given, we send an invite to an initial visit.

After the initial visit, we may request further information from parents/carers and professionals.

At this stage we either offer one or two taster sessions/days as part of further assessment (this is undertaken in every case for Education referrals), decline a placement or a placement may also be offered at this stage.

Referrers will then often need to take the placement offer to a panel before a start date is agreed.

Funding for placements are calculated on a ‘per term’ basis and due before the start of each term (or calculated pro-rata and paid on starting if starting date is mid-term).

Placements are usually reviewed as part of Annual EHCP reviews, and some more temporary placements are reviewed termly.

Rereferrals assessment process  for Outreach Project

Referrals for outreach follow a similar ‘fact finding’ process, to ensure we can meet need, where we communicate with the family along the way. 

For referrals that are accepted for this service, we will start with communicating with the family as part of planning and implementing the intervention, which will be child led and bespoke, involving regular home visits and sessions.

Referral assessment process for Therapy and Therapeutic Sessions

The referral is assessed by the relevant team, who will contact the family for further information as needed. If it is decided that Elysian can meet need, we will contact the referrer and family to arrange an initial session, which will inform the ongoing intervention plan.

Young People and Families with EAL

For young people and families with English as an Additional Language (EAL) considering a placement at Elysian, we utilize the Bell Foundation. This EAL Programme aims to enhance the educational outcomes of disadvantaged children in the UK who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL), ultimately benefiting both the individual child and society as a whole. Through targeted support and resources, the Bell Foundation helps ensure that these children have the opportunity to succeed academically and integrate more fully into their communities.

For further information please use the link below:


Referral forms

Click on the relevant link below for the referral form you require, and email this to refer@elysianuk.org

Education placements referral form (all three Education sites) 

Alternative provision TWE (Shamley Green and Horsley only) and EOTAS (West Horsley until July 24 only) referral form

Individual Therapy and Therapeutic Sessions (all three sites) Referral Form

Group or Family referral form

Elysian Outreach Project referral form

‘Generic’ Referral Form (if you are referring for more than one service or you are unsure which service you are referring to)